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About Me

Hello everyone!

My name is Max Biwer and I am currently eighteen years old. It is quite the young age, but I love expressing my opinions on life and the many parts that constitute it, so why not do it here?! Let me provide you with a quick history of me.

I was born in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia on December 11, 1998. I lived there for about five years, and then my family and I moved over to the United States. We have been here for over a decade. However, we have made it our goal that every summer comes a new adventure outside our home state, Arizona. We have traveled to Spain, Nicaragua, Morocco, England. My life has been full of travel. And while we aren't traveling, I am watching movies, reading books on the stock market, and hanging out with friends.

Now, I am relatively new to this blogging process. I've used it before for a senior project in order to document my experiences and share them with others. It detailed the process of determining the Hubble Constant. This was one of the topics I discussed in full length over the course of a few months, a topic that somewhat follows my theme here.

So, join me on this blog, and I hope that you will become a more philosophical human being.

- Max Biwer
